Friday, January 14, 2011

3600 Miles Away, Right Next to You

i got to thinking today. (weird, right?) this 'long-distance' relationship thing isn't so bad. geographically, we're on opposite sides of the country but i still feel as close to you as i can be without physically standing next to you. people always whine that long distance relationships "never work" or are "doomed", probably because they have trust issues. they either don't trust their partner or they don't trust themselves to stay virtuous during the separate times. in those situations, distance is just the scapegoat. but i say Balls to all that. even if i wasn't keeping vigil with this blogozine i'd be finding other ways to keep you in the forefront of my thoughts and daily loves.

life is pretty mundane right now and it hasn't been easy to stay inspired and to maintain health and wellness without someone to be inspired by, and to keep well, every day. you have no idea how vital you are to my art and creativity, though i know you feel as if it separates us from time to time. these have been long, dark wintry days for sure. yet i keep fires burning for you. sometimes i miss you so much i just wanna burn half of downtown to the ground, 'cuz it might provide a fraction of the warmth i feel from being the person you love.

maybe what makes this time apart easier to digest is that we know there's an end. at some point, we will reunite (and not just for a quick visit). this isn't a permanent thing. it's not like you're off to war. it's only a few more weeks. i can't wait to have you back. LA's been too lucky for too long, having you.

so to further lament about life being drab right now, a lovely drab number about a life not so exciting, by a woman who could barely sing.

LRV, b

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