Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gone Writing...

gonna take the next few days off writing this blog to concentrate on College Application Essays. while this in no way reflects me taking days off loving or being devoted to you, i need time to concentrate on getting my shit together. i'll spare you the lamentations of how my job zaps me, daily, of motivation and inspiration. you'd think that that might light a fire under me to move mountains, NOW, but it does just the opposite. i hate to have my letters to you be even a temporary casualty because of this, (and i understand it's thin reasoning, at best), but this is simply an attempt to minimize distractions. my mixtape wave is almost done, and after that i have nothing immediately pressing, musically, so now is the time to get these essays written. i hope you understand.

will return on Monday,

LRV, b

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dolphins Into the Future

not to boast but i made music like this years ago. these guys are catching some serious press right now, too. an article in WIRE last year mentioned their near-impossible-to-find debut and follow-up, which have both just been reissued. mirror meaning: they're not so elusive to DL pirates anymore, so we're able to see what the fuss is about. and honestly, i like it but, a little part of me remembers all the hours i spent with the moog, theremin, and whales LPs making similar sounds and asks "where was all the press then?"

Swallowed by a Whale (aka: The Deep) by Donovan Quixote

maybe my titles aren't hip and weird enough. maybe it's because i never really pursue promoting anything. (most likely that).

or maybe it's because it's not a constant aesthetic, as if to say "to do it once is easy. to build a catalog with it takes endurance, patience, and innovation; lest the music becomes stale and redundant". this is what i like the most about Dolphins Into the Future. he/they? are exploring the possibilities in an extremely niche area; aquatic new age noise, superambient improv, yoga massage music. it doesn't get more esoteric than that. not to say The Mark of Quality is Obscurity, but you have to respect someone proudly flying their freak flag down their own path.

LRV, b

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

KAB + MxBx = LRV(b)

outside of family, there are two things that i love in this world: you, and Melt-Banana. if asked to choose, well.... let's just say i'd probably jump out of the boat if one of the three of us had to go to keep from sinking. the world would be fine without me, but couldn't suffer one without you(s). allow me to elaborate.

you and Melt-Banana share a few common traits:

1. You are Incredibly Unique. maybe i ain't been around the world but i can sure as hell say i've never met anyone like you. your magnetism is obvious, you draw all smiles. MB too. there's lots of spazzy music, lots of hardcore, lots of metal and noise... but Melt-Banana sounds like nothing else on Earth. INTENSITY! like it or not, your presence is felt wherever you are. you got That Thing (i know i better watch out). likewise, when Melt-Banana is playing, people notice. you can't shake it. (to me, that's a good thing).

2. Your Name is Rad. tattoo-worthy, i might add. if i had any guts i'd rep you both.

3. The Songs You Sing Don't Make a Lot of Sense but They're Fun Anyway. i swear if i had a dollar for every doodoo song you ever sang, i'd be a zillionaire. but scatology aside, you have a knack for mangling grammar and inventing verbiage, the likes of which would make Pootie-Tang sign his pennies. similarly, Melt-Banana's English is beyond broken. you'd think over how many years and how many tours of the US and Europe they'd pick up a grasp of the language they choose to sing in, right? even if it is willful wreckage, respect: "Who wants to be in panic / Bugs are all in pancakes / We are all ecstatic."

don't you know no good?

really the only big difference between you two is that Melt-Banana can be an acquired taste. you seem to connect instantly with people (although you may not think so). and pretty much everybody that knows you thinks you're Awesome. but not everybody can deal with Melt-Banana. they are loud, raucous, and deal in barely-controlled chaos. for some, that don't fly. for others, it's delightful!

basically, you're (both) a hell of a lot of fun to be around, and my life wouldn't be the same without you.

KAB + MxBx = LRV(b)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sound Advice

as i hung up the phone just a bit ago, this song came to mind. there i was: driving (a shifter car), talking on the phone, smoking. not a great combo. add to that pockets of heavy rain and hydroplaning cars and a crackup is damn near guaranteed. luckily, i caught myself and decided to exercise caution. because, as you know, rain is a gentle thing... but not when you're driving. words to live by. but i'm home for the evening now, so call me when you get back to LA.

LRV, b