Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day Two

this album has a special place in my heart, literally turning it inside out. it's the LP equivalent of our in-love: fun, layered and complex (in all the right ways) but never tough to get a hold of, and warm as an embrace from yr Fave-1. i put it on your iPod before you left. have you heard yet? it's one of those that mean so much to me that i must under-play it, so the sweetness (and sometimes bittersweet-ness) never fades. i'm making dinner for our friends later, so that i can have company while i eat. i miss you.

LRV, b

Yo La Tengo, "You Can Have It All"

Friday, December 10, 2010

Day One

Dear Babygirl,

i couldn't sleep last night. i was trying to think of a way i could be sweet to you everyday while you're away. i can't scratch your head or squeeze your feet for a few weeks, but i wanted to find a way to let you know that i'm thinking about you and i love you. daily phonecalls will be nice, and looked-forward-to, but you know me. i gotsta go that extra mile.

so what i came up with is this: i'm going to send you a song every day while you're away; songs that remind me of you, or express how i feel about you, or maybe jams i think you'd enjoy; possibly even me singing songs every once in a while if i get around to acquiring a web-cam.

and i decided to do it as a blog rather than jam up your facebook everyday. of course i'll still post the links there, but hopefully that won't be as invasive as 90-some youtubes or mp3 embeds or what has you. if it's too impersonal to do it this way, and you'd rather have me give them to you and only you, then that's what i'll do.

it's been less than 24 hours and i already miss you like crazy. so in honor of everything you mean to me, the song that (perhaps) sums it up best: your ringtone.
(minus all the stuff in the lyrics about him being "wrong", because nothing feels more right than we loving each other, every little thing else is spot-on.)

LRV, b

Stevie Wonder, "I Love Every Little Thing About You"