Saturday, February 26, 2011

sometimes i hate techmology

something's messed up with the laptop. yesterday it was trouble with the new external hard drive. new one seems to be working fine. still the issue of box-says-it's-500-GB-but-system-reads-450... i suppose it's industry standard to rape the consumer. anyway, it works fine so i guess i'll eat the 50GB i, theoretically, am "missing".

but now i can't hear any sound on the internet, nor from Windows Media Player. my music making software seems to be okay. i can hear those (thank god) but i wonder what the issue is elsewhere. i watched Hulu til i fell asleep again last night, but that normally never creates a problem. just another thing i'll have to fix at some point....

with that in mind, the greatest piece "never" played:

LRV, b

Friday, February 25, 2011


Demdike Stare are one of the best electro-nostalgia groups around. the duo, archivist and a sample hound, mine their extensive collections -mostly library soundtracks, VHS and other ephemera- for tidbits with which to build new pieces. (a process VERY close to my heart, as you know). they've been on my radar for a little while, mostly thanks to, and as i've been learning this DJ software, this record has come in very useful for transitions and finding good backing beats. Demdike Stare is of a similar 'hauntological' cloth as Belbury Poly and our beloved Broadcast collaborators, the Focus Group, yet they operate in a much more mysterious (and terribly prolific) cloak. definitely one to keep a close eye on.

still feelin crappitty. def hulu bedtime soon

LRV, b

Thursday, February 24, 2011

(Hi. Hi.)

adulthood has opened me up to REM. when i was a teenager, it was all thrash and hip-hop and not a lot in between. i had no interest in softer rock musics, save for Jane's Addiction, and certainly little tolerance for REM. "Shiny Happy People", are you kidding? they got a pass very briefly because "Stand" was used as the opening theme song to a tv show i liked a lot, Get a Life, starring Chris Elliot as a 40 year old paper boy. the show didn't last long, under two seasons, and if i remember correctly Chris began dying at the end of every show close to the end of its run..... anyway, so REM was okay with me for that. the song they did with KRS-ONE, notsomuch. nice try, though.

in my 20s, the band i was in got compared a lot to REM, and other groups i didn't (and still don't) enjoy. the similarity wasn't lost on me but i was having fun playing bass and keyboards so i got over it.

and now, because i've been in XM Radio hell for the last few years on this job, REM has grown on me. the whiny British bands of the 80s are too sad and i just don't feel their pain. REM at least liked to have fun once in a while, play games. when they lost their religion, (oh no!), that song was WAY too played but now, in the wake of what the last and current generation of pop bands and idols and icons has slopped out... REM's sounding damn good.

this one goes out to your patient from earlier today

so did you ask me to write earlier? oh yeah. cool and sunny

LRV, b

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You're Damn Right, Nothing!

today is the day. if i don't talk to you tonight, i hope it's because you're there.

LRV, b

Monday, February 21, 2011

Tres Mas

one hour on bike = totally mashed muscles. feel the burrrrrrrrrn! my goal is to make my ride (i have no idea how far i went) like nothing. maybe be able to get to the beach and back (without dying) by the end of summer. something like that.

your Yo La date is only a couple days away. here are more suggestions from some very trusted sources:

Mr. Tough (Lincoln)

I Heard You Looking (Ronnie)

Ron asked me to include this twice, which i won't. a few days of three songs by the same artist everyday is redundant enough....

How to Make a Baby Elephant Float (Steven Katulak)

muy bien!

LRV, b

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Yo La Tengo Primer, Part Two

lots of great suggestions from friends for you to consider. here are Tammis's favorites.

Nowhere Near

Little Eyes

Nothing But You and Me

feeling weird today. was probably the huge bowl of ice cream, late night, right before falling asleep. knew it wasn't a really good idea but damn was it delicious. so listen, enjoy your Sunday housecleaning, and i'll talk to you later!

LRV, b