Friday, January 21, 2011

43 and nearing the light

(sorta). feeling of few words today. absolutely thrashed from two split doubles in a row, and the veritable Pizza-pocalypse that is MegaSlice. they asked me to work again tomorrow night (would be the third consecutive split double, kind of like the work equivalent of a groin pull: boring, slow store for 6 hours, balls to the wall new store for 6 hours) but i declined and offered my services for Sunday morning, which will be the reverse groin pull. but the money will come in handy. i'll probably leave the MegaSlice paycheck at home, un-cashed, and use it to play catch up when i return. (if i return.) just stopping by the house to change shoes, write to you, and gather a couple supplies. am going to C&E's for drinks and some much-needed unwinding. in honor of them, here's their special tune:

LRV, b

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