Monday, January 3, 2011

The Twenty-Fifth Day

been writing grant stuff all day. brain hurts. i've written a lot but unfortunately i haven't gotten very far. the resume is done. that was easy. the Artist Statement is tough. it ought to be as concise as possible, fully distilling what separates my philosophies and compositional approaches apart from anyone else's... but without sounding self-aggrandizing. i'm trying to keep "i" "me" and "my" out of it. not easy. in trying to sound non-personal, it may come off as pretentious and clinical. i also have to write Innovative Use of Technology, (i use bugs as percussion, and cats as backdrops!), Impact of Grant on Composer, (if you give me money i will be happy!), and a couple other things. no small potatoes. am trying to apply the wealth of Writing Experience i received at Cape Fear Community College to guide me. maybe i should just write it like i write to you.

so you see, what had happened was, i had gotten this laptop, right? and i put some software on it, hooked my keyboard up to it, and now i make music outta any damn thing i can imagine. a subterranean Chinese sex dungeon where a slave is liberated by a swarm of bees playing cellos, dropped in a red light district (presumably to raise some money), and then taken by the bee cellists to a field of goats where Buddhist nuns chant hymns in the nude? i can make that! i HAVE made that! i'm not some weird pervert! it was a concept album about cats, communism, feminism, and cubism! there was isms all over the freakin' place! and i've played this piece in front of children and their teachers! they loved it! GIVE ME MONEY!!!

yeah. that'll work. exclamation points aplenty. !!

hey guess what...


LRV, b

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