Wednesday, December 29, 2010

the Twentieth Day

people keep saying that our time apart will "go by quickly". guess i'm still waiting for the clock to run... seems like a crawl these last 20 days. i honestly can't remember what our longest stretch of time apart has been; maybe seven, eight days?

it seems redundant to write about stuff we've already talked about over the phone. the opposite works fine; i write it and then we talk. maybe i can drop a hint or two, or leave out a crucial detail, to entice you to read. but if we've already spoken, and you know about lunch and my trip to the record store, then why chronicle it here?

after 20 days this process is starting to reveal its vanity (which i suppose is the nature of The Blog anyway). so how necessary is it? we do have the phone, and soon hopefully all our Skype wires will connect. so is this just for my satisfaction then; so i can know that i did indeed write you a letter everyday like they did in the movies? it's not as easy as it sounds.

still i won't give up or abandon it, even if it feels flat at times. the Main Idea is to keep as many fires burning as possible. yes, we're on the phone at least once a day. but what if there's a lapse? it's bound to happen sometime. our time tables are a lot different. if there is a day we can't connect, at least there's this page. even if it is just a one-sided conversation, it's still time well spent because it's dedicated to you, and only you.

maybe that's its most resonant purpose: my daily devotional to you. may it never die.

this is from one of the records i bought today. hope you like it, too!

LRV, b

the Soft Machine: "Kings and Queens"

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