Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day Three

so it's kinda sinking in.... you won't be home for a while. at first the idea seemed manageable: while yr gone, i can spend unlimited time working on music, leave the toilet seat up, move in to a couple dresser drawers.... but the realization that even though i'm surrounded by you --your clothes, your things, your pictures-- you're not here, and won't be for months, just rains on my soul. the reality is slightly devastating. but in theory, i suppose it works.

your new job starts tomorrow and i hope it is challenging and enjoyable. i know you'll do great. there will be an adjustment period, but you'll find your groove soon enough. stay sharp, keep your cool. i have endless faith in you.

but i hate that your apartment has such bad phone reception. it's an awful tease to hear your voice only to have the call drop out mid-sentence. sucks that they moved you into one of the only places in the country, (and our phone service provider is the supposed "leader" in coverage), that's a dead zone. some might read an ominous omen in the midst, i say it's a minor setback. nothing we can't overcome.

and you have yet to find an internet hub, which means you haven't gotten any of these transmissions yet. but that's okay. they're here, in the ether, and they'll be here when you can come around. the vibrations will still reach you. sad as i am growing, i still radiate love to you. and until you come back i will be here,
in our home, building imaginary pyramids for you.

with Hieroglyphics (aka: Souls of Mischief) and one of many songs i'm eternally thankful to you for enlightening me.

LRV, b

Hieroglyphics, "Cab Fare"

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