Monday, December 20, 2010

Day Eleven

some people came to look at the apartment upstairs a little bit ago. two sets of shoes, at least. i was wrapping Christmas in the living room and listening to the Locust; not terribly loudly, but enough to have some fun while cutting and taping. didn't get to sneak a peek at them as they left. was 'occupied' in the bathroom, so to speak. will they move in after being audibly confronted upon entering the premises? who knows. your plants are still on the staircase, too. hell of a welcome.

your parents and i are going to see "Black Swan" later. by the time you read this, i'll probably have talked to you about it (yet i will reveal NOTHING). i'm really looking forward to it. not just the movie, but hanging out with your folks. i haven't seen them since we dropped you off at the airport. i miss them too.

here's another LA transplant. as you know, LIARS have made records in many different places. NYC, a forest in NJ, Berlin... but their last two were made in Los Angeles. the latest, "Sisterworld", is about the many pockets of people, and scenes, in LA, and how even though there seems to be infinite cultures and subcultures, it can be tough to find your way to "fitting in". there's a palpable sense of alienation in the music, yet it's accessible in its own weird way. it's seeking its place in its environment, yet comfortable enough in its own skin to reach beyond any particular social assignment to embrace many, and take any willing travelers on board with it.

and this is one of the many things i love about you: you're not concerned with all that Hollywood mess. showbiz doesn't faze you. lotsa people would probably clamor to meet their best friend's Big Time Movie Star boyfriend, or their aunt's Jazz Giant pal (like me), but you're more interested in Real People. (although i'm sure if Christian Bale or Mos Def were in your proximity, you'd melt instantly.) you go for substance over shine, you don't discriminate based on what's supposedly hip, you're continually intrigued by people from different walks of life and never pass judgment on anyone, unless they deserve it. and that, my love, is incredibly refreshing.

to sum this up in the corniest way possible, i am Proud of your Evolution in your career and into the woman you want to be. i feel honored to have been by your side these last 7.5 years, to witness and love all the wonderful things that make you uniquely Kashka Booker, and no one else. i'll stay here forever, too, even while yr away.

LRV, b

LIARS: "Proud Evolution"

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